About Cube Financial

Cube Finance Group is built on long term standing trusted relationships with its clients and key alliance partnerships and as a result has become one of Melbourne’s leading mortgage broking firms. Based in South Melbourne, Cube Finance Group was established by Scott Porter and over the years has gone through many positive changes to be the highly respected and successful firm it is today.

The team provides you with your best lending outcome based on your cost and structural needs. The numerous awards and achievements are testament to Cube Finance Group’s success in doing so for our clients as recognised by its industry.

Cube Finance Group is well known for its expertise and experience in a wide range of financial guidance, providing exceptional service from anyone including individuals, companies, developers and investors

In addition, our team is also able to provide you with access to a network of other key professionals that may be of assistance in your project and transactions. We work with an understand the importance of Accountants, Conveyancers/Solicitors and Financial Planners. We are focused on providing our clients with holistic lending solutions that will provide a platform to grow and protect your wealth. Our long standing relationships with our panel of lenders and alliance partners enable us to provide you with the financial advantage you require.

Whether you are looking for your first home, an investment property, commercial property, business lending, debt restructuring or lending for your self managed fund, Cube Finance Group can simplify the process for you.

Who we are

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Our Panel of Lenders

Just some of our lenders...


We are Leaders.

Over the last ten years, Cube Finance Group has become one of Melbourne’s leading Mortgage Broking firms. Based in South Melbourne, Cube Finance Group was established by Scott Porter and over the years has gone through many positive changes to be the highly respected and successful firm it is today.

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